The Partnership Against Corruption Together (PACT) is funded by the EU Delegation in Albania in the frame of the “Civil Society Facility/ Civic Initiative and Capacity Building” (Lot 1- Promotion of good governance and fight against corruption). It is implemented during 2016-2019 by ANTTARC in partnership with the Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF) and ACT for SOCIETY Center (AfS). The project targeted 15 municipalities of Northern Albania (regions of Diber, Kukes, Lezhe, and Shkoder). Beneficiaries included 80 Civil Society actors from 15 municipalities of 4 regions of Northern Albania including CSOs, CBOs, grassroots, youth and citizen groups, civil society activists, and local media associations and journalists.
Overall Objectives: To strengthen the role of civil society in promoting good governance and fighting corruption at local level in Albania; To contribute to the promotion of good governance and rule of law at local level in Albania.
Specific Objective: To increase the engagement of CSOs in 15 municipalities of Northern Albania in good governance issues and fight against corruption by strengthening their capacity and funding their initiatives.
Main Components: Capacity development for civil society actors; Civil society organizations advocate for good governance and anti-corruption at local level; Financial support to civil society organizations to realize initiatives for good governance and anti-corruption at local level.
Capacity development activities include:
- TOT and regional training workshops in good governance and anti-corruption for civil society representatives;
- Training workshops on investigative journalism; youth civic engagement, and project development;
- Technical assistance and coaching on organizational development and project cycle management.
Advocacy and networking activities:
- Setting up and supporting regional forums for good governance and anti-corruption. Four regional forums on good-governance and anti-corruption were established in Lezhe, Kukes, Shkoder, and Diber.
- Advocacy campaigns for good governance and fight against corruption; and
- Developing an on-line platform for good governance and anti-corruption (anti-corruption platform:
Financial support to civil society organizations:
Administration of 43 grants in 3 sub-granting rounds (the sub-grants’ budget was 500,000 EUR) PACT Sub-grants. Relevant and effective CS initiatives promoting good governance and the fight against corruption at local level were implemented through the PACT Fund. They focused on:
- Watch dog activities/monitoring of the performance of municipalities, municipal councils, administrative units, and/or de-concentrated institutions;
- Monitoring of services;
- Monitoring of implementation of current legislation;
- Participation of civil society/citizens in local decision-making, priority setting, budget development and implementation, public investments, and service delivery;
- Citizens’ monitoring and vigilance to demand accountability and corruption free services;
- Community mobilization for constructive engagement with public institutions;
- Public hearings;
- Citizen report cards;
- Information and awareness campaigns on right to information, right to services;
- Policy and assessment studies/research;
- Media strengthening and campaigns.