Studies & Research


Manual on the sustainability of civil society organizations

This handbook aimed at exploring and presenting different aspects of sustainability for CSOs, wider than financial sustainability, and providing insight into the different aspects of sustainability. It also aimed at analyzing different ways to establish and grow partnerships between CSOs and government—central and local—and business sectors.


Sustainability is one of the main challenges that Albanian civil society organizations, both developed and newly established, are facing. Their most common perception of sustainability is about financial sustainability. Two main factors have determined such a narrow perception: the short and limited tradition of the CSO sector in Albania that dates back to 1990; and the history of its development during the last two decades that was mainly donor-dependent. This handbook emphasizes that CSOs’ sustainability does not relate only to financial sustainability, but it involves a larger context including in addition institutional and program sustainability. These three aspects of sustainability are equal in importance and cannot exist without one another.


The Handbook on CSO Sustainability can be used as an important resource for CSO organizations in Albania. It can also be a resource for CSO capacity-building trainers. 

Organizational Sustainability_Handbook_Eng


Manual on Project cycle management with an inter-LGU focus

The Manual is developed by ANTTARC, in the frame of the Programme for Local Development and Decentralization (dldp) funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI). For the development of the Manual, ANTTARC used different resource materials on project cycle management and inter-local government cooperation as well as its experience in LGU capacity development in project development and implementation.

 Menaxhimi i ciklit te projektit (me fokus ne projekte te bashkepunimit ndervendore)


Study on Functional Areas in Albania &  Tropoja Functional Area Program

The Study on Functional Areas in Albania is prepared in the frame of the Programme for Local Development and Decentralization (dldp) funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (HSI). The three co-authors Blendi Bushati (engaged as independent expert), Dr. Valbona Karakaçi (dldp/HSI), and Prof. Stefan Pfäffli ( Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) collaborated with ANTTARC for the research in Kukës region. final report on functional areas

With funding from the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation/Decentralization and Local Development Programme (dldp), ANTTARC has conducted a study on the Tropoja Functional Area Programme (dldp Albania, 2013-2014). This document is widely used for the development of different planning documents by the newly established (in 2015) Municipality of Tropoja. 

2.0.Tropoja Functional Area Programme


Deshati Strategy of Tourism Development

The Strategy of Tourism Development determines the main priorities of the development of tourism in the Deshati Mountain Region which is one of the regions with great potential for the development of mountain and summer tourism. The strategy is developed by the Deshati Local Action Group (LAG) in the framework of the “Sustainable Rural Development in Deshati Mountain Region: Deshati LAGs” project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-Republic of Albania, 2007-2013. Deshati LAG, also established and developed in the framework of this project, is the main contributor during the whole process of strategic planning. Inclusion of main local actors in the Deshati LAG: Regional Council of Diber, Municipality of Peshkopi and communes of the Deshati Mountain Region,—Fushe Çidhën, Kala e Dodës, Kastriot, Maqellare, Melan, Sllove and Tomin–business, NPOs, farmers, experts from the region, etc. enabled collection of the information for the development of strategy. 

Annex 5.2 StrategyOfTourismDevelopment


Assessment of relations between Parliament and CSO

Study on ”Good practices, lessons learned and the road towards the future: Cooperation between the Assembly, Civil Society, and Independent Institutions.” (OSCE Albania, October 2012-April 2013)
The study aimed to assess relations between these important institutions as well as to suggest future activities to better harmonize them and their coordinating mechanisms. Specific objectives of the assessment study were (1) to assess perceptions relating to interaction practices between the Assembly, Independent Institutions, and Civil Society Organizations in the legislative and oversight processes and (2) to identify the institutional capacity, needs, and opportunities of Albania’s Assembly for better participation of Independent Institutions, and Civil Society Organizations in its work. The assessment study was organized by the Assembly of Albania and the OSCE Presence in Albania. The assessment study methodology included a review of existing legislation and information provided by the Assembly’s Administration and other institutions regarding cooperation between the Assembly and Independent Institutions (IIs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs); Consultations with the Monitoring Service and other departments of the Assembly; Self-administered questionnaires completed by Members of Parliament (MPs) and staff of Assembly’s Administration and representatives of IIs and CSOs; and Data analysis and development of the assessment study. Four parliamentary Committees, four IIs, and eight CSOs participated in this assessment study. Participants were selected in close cooperation with the Monitoring Service. Participating MPs were from the majority as well as the opposition. The study focused on the current Legislature (XVIII), especially the 2011-2012 period. In addition, practices and experience from neighboring countries including Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia relating to the involvement of interest groups in the legislation process were also included.



Impact Assessment of CAAHT Programs

Impact Assessment of CAAHT Coordination, Capacity Building with Grantees, and Prevention Services. (Creative Associates; May-August 2009).
In the framework of the Coordinated Action Against Human Trafficking (CAAHT) Program, Creative Associates International (CAI) contracted ANTTARC to conduct the two assessment studies relating to the impact of CAAHT regarding (a) Coordination and Capacity Building with Grantees and (b) Prevention Services.
Regarding the Coordination and Capacity Building with Grantees, the assessment objectives were: (1) To assess the impact of CAAHT coordination methodology and activities; (2) To identify which coordination techniques are most effective; and (3) To assess the impact of CAAHT capacity building efforts on project partners. The assessment focused on two components:
Coordination of anti-trafficking (AT) actions. 3.1.Assessment_CAAHT_CoordinationCapacityBuilding
Regarding the Prevention Services, the assessment objectives included: a) Assessment of the impact of CAAHT grantee prevention services; and b) Identification of which prevention service techniques were most effective. 3.2.Assessment_CAAHT_PreventionServices
The assessment methodology was based on the appreciative inquiry approach. 


Public Opinion Survey

Public Opinion Survey regarding services provided by Social Insurance Institute (SII/World Bank, 2010).
In the framework of the World Bank-funded Social Services Delivery Project (SSDP), ANTTARC has closely collaborated with the Social Insurance Institute of Albania to design and conduct the Public Opinion Survey. It aimed at realizing an overall picture of the citizens’ knowledge and awareness of the social insurance system in Albania, types of beneficiaries, and payment of contributions. Based on the analysis of the survey data, conclusions and recommendations regarding different issues including citizens’ awareness of the right to pension, informing people on benefits from and contributions to SII, and improvement of the pensions’ administration by SII were presented. The survey was conducted in all 12 regions of Albania where there are Social Insurance Directories including Berat, Dibër, Durrës, Elbasan, Fier, Gjirokastër, Korçë, Kukës, Lezhë, Shkodër and Tiranë. Different methods were used to ensure the necessary information including review of SII documents (also including the Communications Strategy developed by SII), interviews, and observation of the individual behavior. 2730 people were interviewed representing different categories according to age, gender, their relations with SII, and education level.



Rural Development in Puka District

In the framework of Phase 1 of the We Effect funded project “To Contribute to the Sustainable Improvement of the Livelihood of People in Puka Rural Areas” (2011-2013), ANTTARC has supported AGROPUKA experts to design and conduct a study on Rural Development in Puka District. The study aimed to assess the situation of rural development in this district and provide other stakeholders focusing on Puka with information about the district. Specific objectives of the study included: (a) Analysing the situation regarding rural development in Puka; and (b) Identifying problems, successes, and needs and priority intervention areas. Information was ensured through a review of existing studies, statistics, and other documents as well as interviews with representatives of local institutions including local government, agriculture, education, health, social security, and employment. 



Study on the Economic and Social Situation of Korca District

Study on Economic and Social Situation of Korca District. (DORCAS International Albania, 2007-2008).

ANTTARC was contracted by Dorcas International Albania to design and conduct a study on the social and economic situation in Korca District. The study aimed to assess the social and economic situation in the District of Korca relating to the 2005-2006 period and to present material that can be used by partner organizations of Dorcas in Albania to identify their future strategic objectives. Specific objectives of the study include: (a) to analyze the situation in the agriculture, education, health, employment, and social assistance sectors in the District of Korca; and (b) to identify achievements, problems, needs, and priority intervention areas following missions of partner organizations of Dorcas in Korca. The study included an analysis of information and statistical data regarding agriculture, education, health, employment, and social assistance sectors. Information was collected through primary sources (interviews with representatives of local institutions) and secondary sources (information and data collected from different governmental and non-governmental sources). In this framework, 19 employees of partner organizations of Dorcas in Korca including education, health, agriculture, social assistance employment workers, etc., at both regional and district levels were interviewed. Also, official documents and other statistical data published about the socioeconomic conditions in the District of Korca during the last two years were considered. 




Contact us

Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”
Pallati Bora, Hyrja nr. 1, Apt. nr. 20
Tirana, Albania

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +355 69 209 6666