“Sustainable rural development in Deshati mountain range region: Deshati LAGs.” (EU, April 2013–December 2014)
From April 2013 to December 2014, ANTTARC implemented the “Sustainable rural development in Deshati mountain range region: Deshati LAGs” project. This project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the IPA Cross-Border Programme the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-Republic of Albania, 2007-2013. The project is being implemented in partnership with the Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF) and the Regional Council of Diber.
The overall project objective was to contribute to “the sustainable rural development of the Deshati mountain range region”. The specific project objective was “to support the development of rural and mountain tourism in the Deshati mountain range region”. The project results include: A Local Action Group (Dibra Turistike/Touristic Diber) is established as a non-profit association, is organizationally developed based on the LEADER approach, and has become an active actor in local development in the municipality of Diber; The Dibra Turistike LAG has developed the Strategy of Tourism Development for the Deshati mountain range region and collaborates with local government and business for its implementation; The touristic offer of Deshati region is developed and promoted through the publications and multimedia presentations; Households engaged in rural/mountainous tourism from the Deshati region have increased their capacity in service provision; and Cooperation between local actors across the border is promoted.
Managing Creative Cities 2: Maximizing the Potential of Albanian Cities (Swiss Cultural Program; February 2008-January 2011)
During 2008-2011, ANTTARC has managed the “Creative Cities 2” project. The project has been funded by the Swiss Cultural Program.
“Creative Cities 2” has promoted the philosophy of creative cities in six cities in Albania (Korce, Peshkopi, Puke, Gjirokaster, Lezhe, Sarande) and in the neighboring countries (Struga in Macedonia and Ulcin in Montenegro). The “Creative Cities” focused on cities’ social and economic development through innovative and inspiring use of their cultural values and traditions. The project enhanced participation of all community actors by strengthening the human capacity relating to the development and management of projects that contribute to the social and economic development of the city, fundraising, and establishment of networks between “creative cities.” Also, “creative cities” received grants to implement innovative projects.
Rruga “Reshit Çollaku”
Pallati Bora, Hyrja nr. 1, Apt. nr. 20
Tirana, Albania
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +355 69 512 8039
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